Consolidated Outland Pioneer - Colony Building Ship

Started by Obsydian, October 27, 2017, 10:53:51 PM

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Consolidated Outland is pleased to announce that the UEE Planetary Development Bureau has released a number of Claim Licenses for commercial or private construction. Whether you’re looking to settle on a distant moon or a terraformed planet, these claims allow you to officially own a piece of the UEE and enjoy its protection. Each Pioneer will include a single Claim, changing the question of whether you should build to where you should build.
For over eighty years, the Planetary Development Bureau has been working with planetary authorities to not only oversee the zoning of building plots, but to mediate and supervise the sale of land claims for commercial and private use.
Certain restrictions apply.

All the info you need is right here:



I have to admit, being able to craft somewhere to hang our collective hats is quite an attractive prospect for me.
"Forewarned is forearmed"


Yeah  I think that is a great idea but my credit card is laugh at me as it is
"It's hard, but not as hard as Arma!!!" Tutonic
"Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil... prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon.." Terry Pratchett


But Toby, who needs a house when you can have a colony. Sort out your priorities mate.

Seriously though, it's awesome. It rings another alarm bell though with how much of the game sits behind a pay wall for players like me, without hours and hours to pour in... but that is a different conversation.
All our Gods have abandoned us.


Quote from: Chaosphere;427686Seriously though, it's awesome. It rings another alarm bell though with how much of the game sits behind a pay wall for players like me, without hours and hours to pour in... but that is a different conversation.
Being able to play the game in a meaningful way without having to invest massive time is one of the prime goals of the game design, so I think you have little to worry about on that front.  It was one of Chris Robert's most highly touted aims for this game.  

Not sure if you meant 'pay wall' as in 'I have to pay lots of hours' to the game, or 'pay wall' as in you objected to the $ aspect of the game.   However $ does help solve the hours problem you and I both have (in terms of lack of time), so I guess it is here to stay, but they have already said that this will not be a pay to win game and that they will be restricting what you can buy into the game when it goes live.
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


It could just be with the way they are drip feeding ships. I get why they do It, it keeps the hype machine turning to some extent. But for me every time I see something new it feels a bit like "oh here's another thing you don't want to spend £100+ on and likely won't ever have the time to get otherwise". The cash is a way around as you have said but that's the bit I'm not too happy about.  It just feels like those willing to pay are going to be playing a different game altogether.. but hopefully I am wrong and Mr Roberts is right on that one!
All our Gods have abandoned us.


I'm in the same boat as most of you guys. I must admit, I'm quickly becoming worried I'll end up with "all the gear and no idea", such is the time I'll be able to invest. As already suggested it was stated early on that there would be focus on many different ways on playing the game. I think its largely a given that people that can invest more time will expect more, so this leaves the statement as something of a paradox with regards to keeping a level playing field.

That said, there has also been a "private" game mode (ala Elite) touted that should stop us falling foul of Mr Joe Flash and all his shop bought gear. I genuinely hope I'll be able to play in this mode with my fellow guild mates though. I'd have to have a dig around for the sources for this.

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"Forewarned is forearmed"


Quote from: Galatoni;427698I think its largely a given that people that can invest more time will expect more, so this leaves the statement as something of a paradox with regards to keeping a level playing field.

This hits the nail on the head tbh. I am well aware I'm moaning about something that is fairly par for the course for MMOs and related games.. those with more time and/or money to invest get more or different experiences out.

I just hope the base £30 game I have purchased still satisfies and as you have quite rightly said let's me interact with you lot and gawk in awe at your fancy ships xD

There's certainly a truth that any publicity is good.. As even this little (for me) peek back into the game has me a bit more excited again. Just more waiting I guess :/
All our Gods have abandoned us.


I've invested far more money than I'm comfortable admitting (over a long time - but still) they'll always be people like myself that depend on people to help with our experience. I've got ships that I'm concerned I'll never have the chance to fly properly on my own. So, for me, my own experience of the game will be dependant on... Victims(?) Like yourself to help me run my ships.

Since I'll very rarely be running these without LTI aswell, I've no issue with people essentially captaining them as well. I think it'll be just as much fun to crew as run a ship.

Fear not, I, at least, have your back. I'm fairly sure I'm not alone too.

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"Forewarned is forearmed"


Always remind yourself they could have introduced a "skill level" to operate those ships, which would force a grind ala EVE, and that would literally murder any hope of enjoyment for most of the few hours crew... I'm lucky in that I get to play LOADS, but I'm never affording a cargo boat or mining ship off my own wallet, so I'd be keen to lease someone's bought ship to share the profits after I solo mine while no one is around....
Love is the one thing that transcends time and space.


Perhaps Gal I am looking at it with too much of a single player mentality. This would be my first foray into MMO territory afterall. You may be right that the group work removes some of that 'pay wall' as even if I don't own such ships through a group you still are able to experience some of their gameplay as you have detailed.

Like I said it's an interesting idea and one that at the very least has me thinking of the game again!
All our Gods have abandoned us.


Quote from: Chaosphere;427711Perhaps Gal I am looking at it with too much of a single player mentality. This would be my first foray into MMO territory afterall.
Group on this type of game is huge.   You'll have the option to solo, but you will very quickly find yourself logging on and then asking 'who wants to start a group to go do X' or to join an existing group doing 'Y'.   You'll also be able to borrow ships from other people, or take past in inter-organisation missions/events, so the potential is massive.   PACT which we are part of has membership in the tens of thousands, so we have plenty of friends to play with in the 'verse!
Wisdom doesn\'t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.  (Tom Wilson)
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan)


Quote from: Chaosphere;427700I just hope the base £30 game I have purchased still satisfies and as you have quite rightly said let's me interact with you lot and gawk in awe at your fancy ships xD
I have no doubt that it will, and as Galatoni says, most of those ships require others to help make them work to their best efficiency, so you won't just be gawking, you'll be on them working.

In addition to that though, during the keynote speech, Chris said that we will be able to lease, as well as buy (from Astra Armada at first), ships in the game.  So people will be able to try before they buy.  It's a good move from CIG, as it will encourage people to upgrade more.